Protection from tracking and online profiling.
Cookie gives you total control over all cookie storage types: HTTP cookies, HTML5 databases, localStorage, IndexedDB as well as browser history and caches. Rest assured Cookie has all your private data covered.
Simple enough for even the most techno-phobic computer users, yet Cookie makes no compromises for power users. After a quick initial setup, Cookie will protect your privacy, keeping you safe from tracking and online profiling just the way you want.
Cookie includes an optional browser extension, for maximum compatibility. Cookie Helper lives in your browser toolbar, giving you one click access to Cookie's powerful privacy cleanup.
(Chrome and Firefox based browsers only)
Advanced detection and removal of spying and tracking cookie threats. Select favorite domains for all cookie types to completely customise your browsing experience. Setup automatic removal schedules for even better peace of mind.
Removal schedules and favorites can all be configured individually for each browser, or globally for all browsers. And because some Chrome based browsers support the use of multiple users, so does Cookie.
Maximum integration with your browser.
For the ultimate in tracking protection, the optional Cookie Helper browser extension can be installed for *Chrome and Firefox based browsers. The Cookie Helper creates a superior data removal experience, as it uses browser native methods to clear data. This creates a much safer method of data removal, and makes Cookie truly a first class privacy tool.
* Safari is unfortunately unsupported at this time, but I am keeping an eye on Safari developments, and will create an extension as soon as it becomes a possibility.
Getting the most out of Cookie.
A quick tutorial showing how easy it is to get Cookie up and running.
Upgrading from an older version?
Upgrading from Cookie 5 or 6 should be relatively painless, as you can import all your settings and favorites in the setup window when you first run Cookie.
Upgrades from Cookie 4 are a little more involved, but still relatively straight forward. In a nutshell; export your favorites from Cookie 4, and then reimport them in the setup window.
For anyone who purchased Cookie 6 after Jul 1 2023 (from my Store, or the App Store) you are eligible for a free Cookie 7 license from my Store. contact me with some kind of proof of purchase for a license. For older purchases, shoot me an email for a Store upgrade coupon. Alternatively, Cookie does go on sale from time to time, and you can follow SweetP Productions on 𝕏 for notifications. 👍
A quick introduction to Cookies, and your right to privacy.
Cookies are used by websites to store data on your computer, which can be then transmitted back to the server. For example, cookies can store such information as shopping cart contents, login data, search history or browsing history. This data whilst mostly harmless, and even useful - can potentially be shared between different websites - effectively tracking exactly where you go, what you search for and creating an online profile of you for targeting marketing.
Because it's your data, your privacy! Your browsing habits shouldn't be up for sale to the highest bidder. Company X doesn't need to know you searched for products from company Y three weeks ago. And company Z doesn't need to know you just bought a pair of fluffy pink rabbit slippers from company X. These companies would all argue that it makes YOUR life easier knowing all this information about you. But in reality its just an invasion of your privacy.
Cookies come in a number of different forms: HTTP cookies, Isolated Storage, Local Storage, Databases, IndexedDB's etc... and Cookie takes away the headache of managing all of these.
Just set it and forget it. After a quick 5min setup, Cookie will automatically remove all your private data to whatever schedule you choose. It couldn't be easier!
Don't take our word for it, see what others are saying about Cookie.
With the proliferation of cookies and tracking ... if you are at all concerend about your breadcrumbs get the App and reduce (if not eliminate) the followings. Happy surfing! 🏄♂️
Logiciel efficace exerçant un bon suivi des cookies
Zusammen mit der Minim App vom selben Entwickler ermöglicht Cookie einen perfekt ausdifferenzierten automatisierten Schutz vor nahezu allen technischen Varianten des Trackings und Profilings – zumindest für macOS/Safari und dank Minim sogar BEVOR die unerwünschten Komponenten überhaupt erst geladen werden. Während macOS und Safari nur generelle oder Domain-spezifische Einstellungen anbieten, verwaltet die Cookie App jeden Cookie- oder lokalen SQL-Eintrag einzeln und kann Minim für jede Subdomain jeweils viele Code-Bestandteile einzeln verbieten bzw. erlauben. Alles kann importiert, exportiert oder via iCloud geräteübergreifend synchronisiert werden. Für Laien ist Minim vielleicht zu kompliziert oder aufwendig. Aber dafür bietet der Entwickler mit Privatus auch ein einfacheres Tool an.